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I develop and maintain a few sites related to flytying and flyfishing: my pasision and hobby. The sites are:


www.fluebinding.no - a Norwegian site about flytying.

Fly fishing and fly tying have a long history with a lot of tradition in Norway, and we can look back on history and learn from those who came before us. Much of what we are left with represents periods of time where someone, a company or other element gave direction for what fly tying was and should be. Today we can trace back to these elements through available sources.

With the introduction of social media on closed platforms, information and the exchange of experience has become an advertising-selling product for companies that do not see the value of preserving information for posterity. You can pick up a 100-year-old book and gain an insight into what fly tying was like at that time, but today you have a problem finding out what was posted on Facebook or Instagram yesterday.

That we may lose part of our collective history if a facebook group is shut down without notice was the background to the idea of what fluebinding.no could be used for and which could be the starting point for a page with freely available content for the future to be able to look back on .


www.flyhooks.org - a site about flytying hooks.

When I started fly tying, I quickly realized that the hook is a crucial part of the fly. The problem arose early when comparing hooks: the same size from different manufacturers could be very different. I started to measure the hooks and posting images of them online. From there it escalated quickly: there are now over 1600 close-up images of hooks on the site, and the database is growing.


www.flypattern.org - a site about flytying patterns.

A lot of fly patterns are available, but many can only be accessed in old books, and if they are online they are not organized for easy access. This site tries to organize the patterns from classic flytying books and make them available for everyone.